Marie Curie , one of the greatest physicist, killed by the fruit of her own researches.
Marie Curie or Marie Skìodowski-Curie was born the 7th November of 1867 in Varsovia, Poland. She’s the daughter of two teachers, her father was a mathematician and her mother was a schoolteacher. Sadly, her mother died of tuberculosis in 1878 just two years after her sister, Zofia, who died from typhus. To cope up with the deaths, she dedicated herself to studies and got her diploma with a golden medal and got into a clandestin university named ´the flying university’.
In order to go for further studies, she went to France as it was prohibited for women to studie in Poland at the time. She is accepted into the faculty of sciences in paris the 3rd November 1891.
She later join a physics laboratory but isn’t quit pleased with her work condition and want a work place where she can do her own researches, that’s how she met Pierre Curie and later marry him the 26 of July 1895.
The same year, Wilhelm Röntgen discovers X-rays which captivates the scientific community and in order to obtain a subject for a thesis she began to study those rays
From then on, she made a lot of discoveries throughout her researches such as the thorium, radium and the radiation of uranium and polonium.
After many years of researches, she finished writing her thesis and submit it to the faculty of sciences in the university of Paris in 1903 and so obtained a doctorate in physics but also a Nobel price for her work.
By the way, it’s the first woman to ever receive a Nobel price, they first wanted to give it to her husband but he refused and insisted they gave it to his wife.
With the Nobel price in hand, her husband, Pierre Curie obtain some financement for a laboratory at the science faculty in 1904 but died in an accident two years later and thus she became the first ever woman in France to direct a science laboratory.
She’ll also take the place of her husband as a mathematician and is also the first woman professor in Sorbonne and became a titular professor by 1908.
But in 1911, there is a scandal in which she apparently had an affair with Paul Langevin. Many insults were thrown at her but despite that, she still got another Nobel price and gain yet another title as the person to have 2 Nobel prices.
She’ll help during the First World War or also « the Great War » in 1914 by creating and even went as close to the battle field as possible as she could.
It’s in 1920 that her body starts to feel the effects of the long term exposition to radiation from all the years of researches.
She is infected by radiation-induced leukemia which provoked an aplastic anemia. These are just bad news with fancy names.
In June 1934, she’s 66 y.o and retire in a sanatorium in Haute-Savoie where she’ll spend the rest of her life and pass away the 4th of July 1934.
She brought a lot to modern science and is remembered with respect by modern scientist. (Even met Albert Einstein )
« In science, we must study objects, not people »